Russell Delman

The Movement of Attention: Exploring the Essence of the Feldenkrais Method


by Russell Delman

During this two-day program, Russell masterfully elaborates what he calls the "most important movement in the Feldenkraismethodology: the movement of attention." Drawing on his many years of Zen practice combined with his more than 35 years of teaching the Method, Russell is able to bring a breadth of experience and clarity of expression to the subject of attention that can serve to deepen all aspects of the practice of the Feldenkrais Method.

Russell says about the course, "Our experience of living is strongly determined by what we attend to and how we attend to it. By differentiating the domain of attention and uncovering our own habit patterns and those of others, we can greatly potentiate our work. Somatically the course focuses on grounding and centering: two essentials for organized, efficient and joyful movement." The program is well structured and professionally recorded on four DVDs.
