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The book is a joy to read, it's gripping, heart-warming and thought-provoking. In the short time it has been in my possession it has been influencing my way of thinking about the work I do; it has made me more 'thoughtful,' has made me look a bit less at the 'what' of my teaching, and a bit more at the 'how' I'm doing it.
And the image of the man Moshe Feldenkrais has expanded beyond the scientist, Judo master with a damaged knee to the human being Moshe Feldenkrais, who has finally been granted a tradition and a childhood, both of which are the backbone to his life."
Moshe Feldenkrais, D. Sc. (1904 - 1984) began developing what has become known as the Feldenkrais Method after he sustained a crippling knee injury while working in England during World War II. His own recovery process and subsequent wide-ranging research resulted in the creation of a unique educational system that incorporated his background in physics, Judo, and a lifelong interest in human development. By the end of Dr. Feldenkrais’s life, the Feldenkrais Method had gained an International reputation and he had trained a significant number of teachers. The Method that bears his name continues to evolve and spread across the globe.