Feldenkrais Resources

Originally founded in Berkeley in 1983 by Elizabeth Beringer and David Zemach-Bersin, Feldenkrais Resources is one of the oldest somatic education organizations in the North America and the exclusive publisher of Moshe Feldenkrais’s programs for the public. Carol Kress joined Elizabeth and David in 1994, and the three partners developed an extensive library of audio and video home programs with a wide range of themes and continuing-education materials for Feldenkrais practitioners. All of these materials are now available through our online store.

After many years of co-directing the Feldenkrais Resources center in Berkeley, California, Elizabeth moved to San Diego and began running courses here in 2004. In 2008 Elizabeth Beringer took over Feldenkrais Resources and moved the business to San Diego where she had started the Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego. Feldenkrais Resources is committed to providing individuals with high quality Feldenkrais materials  and continues to develop new programs for both the public and for Feldenkrais practitioners. We currently offer over 100 programs that can be done at home, representing a wide and International range of authors. The Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego provides a full spectrum of Feldenkrais Method—related activities, including classes, public workshops, private Functional Integration® sessions, and professional training.

Elizabeth, David, and Carol continue to collaborate in many arenas, including co-publishing Feldenkrais related titles with North Atlantic Books under the name Somatic Resources. Check out some of our titles here.
