SF Bay Area Feldenkrais Training (Starting Late '24)

We are excited to begin a new Feldenkrais Professional Training in Berkeley, CA. This new program will be part-time (32 live days per training year and the rest online) and will be spread over 3 and 1/2 years leading to eligibility for full certification as a Feldenkrais Practitioner. Training is open for enrollment through May 2025.

Elizabeth Beringer will be the Educational Director accompanied by many highly experienced and creative teachers.  Most segments will be spread over an 8 day period, Saturday (of the first week) to Sunday of the following weekend, with Wednesday off in the middle. For further information and a schedule see below.

Complete SF Bay Area Training Program Prospectus

Schedule for SF Bay Area Training

*Between Segment Meetings

(Entry possible Late Fall 2024 through May 2025)


We will continue to accept new students  through to the next live segment May 17-25.  We are still in the early days of the program and thus late entries are welcome. All prior classes are recorded and available for make-up.

For questions about joining the training please contact: True@feldenkraisresources.com

If you want to know more about the training process please read the training prospectus above. 

If you would like to speak with Elizabeth Beringer the educational director about joining the program she can be reached at: EBtraining@feldenkraisresources.com

East/West Feldenkrais® Professional Training Program

If you are interested in visiting or joining the program, please contact True@FeldenkraisResources.com or call our office 619-220-8776.

Swiss Training begins this summer

Elizabeth Beringer and Martin Mosiman will be directing a new Feldenkrais training in Biel, Switzerland. (It will be held in English.) This will be the 5th Feldenkrais training Martin and Elizabeth will collaborate on in Switzerland.

The program begins July 2024 and ends 2028. For more information: feldenkraistraining.ch

Bureau of Post Secondary Education Information
