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Singing with Your Whole Self teaches performers to use the Feldenkrais Method to ameliorate problems of tension, muscle strain, and illness in order to obtain optimal vocal performance. It contains an important and unique feature: modularized Awareness through Movement lessons. These are specifically designed for liberating function in all musicians and in singers in particular.
Chapter 1: Overview
Relating to the Feldenkrais Method to the Teaching of Singing
Overview of the Feldenkrais Method
Key Ideas in the Development of the Feldenkrais Method
Kinesthetic Imagination
Relationship of This Work to Pedagogical Literature
Awareness Through Movement
Introduction to the Lessons
Mini-ATM: Freeing the Neck to Turn Freely
Active Control
Allowing or Passive Control
ATM: Weights and Levers
Tension and Function
ATM: Taming Tongue Tension
Chapter 3: The Base of Support
The Role of Feet and Legs
ATM: Balance in Standing
Using the Floor
ATM: The Connection of Feet Through to Head
High Heals
Leg-Length Differential
A Simple Exercise: Strengthening the Adductors
Chapter 4: Intentionally and Effort
Power and Potential
Reversibility Principle
The Whole Is Not the Sum of the Parts
Chapter 5: Pelvic Power
The Pelvis
Vocal Context: Powering from the Power Base
ATM: Pelvic Clock
The Pelvis in Sitting
ATM: The Role of the Pelvis in Sitting Erect
Chapter 6: Breathing
Mechanics of Breathing
ATM: Breathe and Find Your Center
Recovery from Illness
ATM: Lengthening the Lungs
Chapter 7: Upper Trunk Flexibility
The Upper Trunk
ATM: Freeing the Ribs
The Midspine
ATM: Lateral Flexion
Mini-ATM: Evening the Sides
Chapter 8: Shoulder Girdle and Arms
Shoulders and Breath
ATM: Reaching Out
Shoulder Tension
ATM: Shoulder Release
Chapter 9: Head and Neck
Positioning the Neck
ATM: Relating Head and Pelvis
Role of the Head in Vocal Production
ATM: Relating Shoulders, Neck, and Jaw
Mini-ATM: Releasing the Neck
Chapter 10: Hands and Mouth
Relationship of Hands and Tongue
Shoulders and Hand Tension
ATM: Magic Hands
Imaginary Warm-Ups
The Mouth
ATM: Softening the Mouth
Chapter 11: The Eyes
Role of the Eyes in Movement
Releasing Minor Neck Cricks
Visual Tension
ATM: Releasing the Eyes
Ocular Muscles and the Sinuses
ATM: Eyes Relate to Jaw
Chapter 12: Pedagogical Uses for This Volume
Student Use
Group (Class) Voice and Ensemble Rehearsal Use
Teacher Use (Private Studio Voice)