With Dennis Leri and Carol Kress
This selection of Awareness Through Movement lessons by Dennis and Carol centers on the 5 Winds Kata Series, or as it is named in Japanese, the itsutsu no kata. A kata (literally, form in Japanese) is a choreographed pattern of movements practiced either solo or in pairs which emphasizes the form and order of a process. A wind is an invisible force of tradition that furnishes momentum to any art that incorporates it. Just as a leaf is propelled along by an invisible wind, so does a tradition whose influence is palpable but unseen propel one along a path like judo or here the Feldenkrais Method.
With Dennis Leri and Carol Kress
This selection of Awareness Through Movement lessons by Dennis and Carol centers on the 5 Winds Kata Series, or as it is named in Japanese, the itsutsu no kata. A kata (literally, form in Japanese) is a choreographed pattern of movements practiced either solo or in pairs which emphasizes the form and order of a process. A wind is an invisible force of tradition that furnishes momentum to any art that incorporates it. Just as a leaf is propelled along by an invisible wind, so does a tradition whose influence is palpable but unseen propel one along a path like judo or here the Feldenkrais Method.
Embodying all the principles of judo, the 5 Winds Kata was deconstructed by Moshe Feldenkrais to make this traditional form accessible to an audience wider than one interested in martial arts. The lessons presented in this workshop are foundational to both the Kata and the Feldenkrais Method. If you can enjoy and understand the process of learning begun with these lessons, then you will find a profound deepening of your understanding of Awareness Through Movementand the Feldenkrais Method.