Feldenkrais Resources

The Core Action Program™ For Runners and Triathletes

The Core Action Program helps you master the fundamentals of comfortable, healthy, efficient natural running form. This program is for runners who want to learn to run healthy, perform their best, and feel great.

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by Jae Gruenke

The Core Action Program helps you master the fundamentals of comfortable, healthy, efficient natural running form. This program is for runners who want to learn to run healthy, perform their best, and feel great.
It’s especially targeted for runners who have recurring injuries, who want to transition to minimalist shoes or barefoot running, or who want to take their performance to a new level. Beginners will learn how to run right from their first steps.
You will learn:

  • the key elements of healthy, natural running form and how they connect to and reinforce each other
  • The movements of your core that control your footstrike and end overstriding and heelstriking
  • What to do with your arms and head to run faster and feel great
  • How to reduce injury-promoting asymmetries in your gait

The PLUS version of the program (sold for $65):

This package includes a bonus audio lesson, Overstriding Quick Fix, to help you further refine your footstrike, access the power of your glutes, and fly up hills. It also includes a PDF of Tips, Tricks, and Strategies we’ve compiled over the course of a decade of helping runners, including how to properly warm up, cool down, cross-train, and take care of your body.

Listen to a Sample

  1. Loosening Up to Run
  2. Loosening Up to Run refresher
  3. Running the Wall
  4. Running the Wall refresher
  5. Running on All Fours
  6. Running on All Fours refresher

  7. Extras included in PLUS version (for $10 more):

  8. Overstriding Quick Fix
  9. PDF: "Tips, Tricks, and Strategies"
