
Elizabeth Beringer

Embodied Learning: Focus on the Knees and Ankles, Volume I

By Elizabeth Beringer

Focus on the Knees and Ankles, Volume I  is one of our most popular series both for those new to the Feldenkrais Method and those with prior experience. It is ideal for improving knee health and enhancing the way you move through life — from walking to running.


The lessons in this series are oriented toward those who wish to improve the functioning of their legs, and specifically their knees and ankles. Most programs for the improvement of difficulties in the knees depend on strengthening. This educational program focuses on other issues critical to the health of knees and ankles, addressing such themes as improving the flexibility of all the joints in the legs for greater resiliency; how to reduce chronic tension that interferes with comfortable, healthy movement; how to distribute effort through the whole body in order to reduce strain on particular joints and the improvement of alignment through the joints.

The Feldenkrais Method always works with individual joints in the context of larger movement patterns involving the whole person, and so focusing on overall posture will also be used to enhance the functioning of the knees and ankles. All lessons in this series are basic and gentle, thus appropriate for those recovering from an injury. No prior experience with the Feldenkrais Method is necessary.

The author of the series, Elizabeth Beringer, has 40 years of experience teaching the Feldenkrais Method. She created this series following her own recovery from a serious knee injury. This program continues with a second volume.
  1. Introduction: Sliding Legs with Ease
  2. Sliding Legs with Ease, Part 2
  3. A Mobile Pelvis Frees The Ankles
  4. Circling The Ankles
  5. Finding Stability For Strength
  6. Finding Stability for Strength, Part 2
  7. Improving Walking While Sitting
  8. Moving from head to Foot While Standing

Elizabeth Beringer has been involved with the practice and development of the Feldenkrais Method for more than 40 years. She studied directly with the founder Moshe Feldenkrais. She is the director of Feldenkrais Resources which includes the ongoing development of new educational materials and an active International teaching schedule. Currently, she is the educational director of ongoing training programs in the UK, Switzerland and at the Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego, where she maintains her private practice.
