
Beverly Stokes

Amazing Toddlers: Moving, Communicating, Learning

By Beverly Stokes
This DVD, narrated by Beverly Stokes, is a valuable resource for all Feldenkrais practitionersworking with children. It follows the motor and perceptual development through the toddler years with excellent images and narration will help to train your observation skills and your ability to recognize the stages patterns and progression of motor development.

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By Beverly Stokes
This DVD, narrated by Beverly Stokes, is a valuable resource for all Feldenkrais practitionersworking with children. It follows the motor and perceptual development through the toddler years with excellent images and narration will help to train your observation skills and your ability to recognize the stages patterns and progression of motor development.

Amazing Toddlers: Moving, Communicating, Learning provides the parents, caregivers, and practitioners with a fresh perspective of early child development. The set is grouped into two sections: 12 months and up, and 18 months and up, to enhance the viewer’s observation skills and understanding of the toddler’s natural movement development, expressive communication, and play interactions.

You will learn how toddlers:
  • Organize their body awareness & body image
  • Develop basic movement skills
  • Communicate using gestures & words
  • Sequence interactions in social play
  • Set-up action plans, games & goals
  • Orient their body in space
  • Explore rhythm & action songs

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