
Moshe Feldenkrais

Awareness Through Movement® for the Elder Citizen

By Moshe Feldenkrais

This series was designed and recorded for the active senior. The lessons employ gentle but effective strategies toward improving balance, coordination, flexibility and overall proprioceptive orientation. These lessons are interesting for everyone, but they are especially relevant for people whose movement has been limited by age or other difficulties. They represent Moshe Feldenkrais’s warmest and most personable recorded teaching. However, we recommend it for people with prior experience with the Method as Dr. Feldenkrais is not always easy to understand.


By Moshe Feldenkrais

This series was designed and recorded for the active senior. The lessons employ gentle but effective strategies toward improving balance, coordination, flexibility and overall proprioceptive orientation. These lessons are interesting for everyone, but they are especially relevant for people whose movement has been limited by age or other difficulties. They represent Moshe Feldenkrais’s warmest and most personable recorded teaching. However, we recommend it for people with prior experience with the Method as Dr. Feldenkrais is not always easy to understand.

For seniors without prior experience with the Feldenkrais Method and for those who prefer to work in a chair, we recommend the Relaxercise series first.

Feldenkraispractitioners will find that these lessons are an outstanding resource for learning new strategies for working functionally with older or physically challenged people.
  1. Introducing Ourselves
  2. An Easy Start
  3. Children May Flex More
  4. Sitting Up Easier
  5. Did You Ever Stand Better
  6. Sensible Feet, Rather than Sensitive Feet
  7. Flex Your Spine Again
  8. Grease Your Hip Joints
  9. Stop Your Neck From Creaking
  10. Learn From Your Left Side

Moshe Feldenkrais, D. Sc. (1904 - 1984) began developing what has become known as the Feldenkrais Method after he sustained a crippling knee injury while working in England during World War II. His own recovery process and subsequent wide-ranging research resulted in the creation of a unique educational system that incorporated his background in physics, Judo, and a lifelong interest in human development. By the end of Dr. Feldenkrais’s life, the Feldenkrais Method had gained an International reputation and he had trained a significant number of teachers. The Method that bears his name continues to evolve and spread across the globe.
