
David Zemach-Bersin

Relaxercise: The Easy New Way To Health and Fitness

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With Mark Reese and David Zemach-Bersin. Illustrated by Kaethe Zemach-Bersin

The best-selling, illustrated introduction to the Feldenkrais Method offers 10 easy-to-do Awareness Through Movement exercises that can be done either sitting in a chair or lying on the floor. The book includes special chapters on back pain posture sitting and ergonomics. Each exercise is completely illustrated. This extraordinary program is based on the revolutionary body-improvement system developed by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais.

With these brief (10-minute to 30-minute) exercises, anyone can learn to improve their posture, flexibility, and physical comfort, and end the energy drain caused by muscular tension. This popular application of techniques, never before available in such an easy-to-use form; targets such key areas as the lower back, shoulders, neck, spine, eyes, feet, and jaw. Enhanced vitality and elimination of pain and stress will be yours through these thoroughly researched and patient-tested techniques that reprogram the neuromuscular system.

What People Are Saying

"Superb. Very practical. An incredible, quick, and easy tool for anyone who suffers chronic pain and loss of flexibility."—Alex Shester, M.D.

"The best how-to body-improvement book available." —Harold Bloomfield, M. D.

"Two audiences have responded to the value of Feldenkrais's work: people afflicted with physical problems and pain, and those who make their living from beauty or finesse of movement such as musicians, athletes, dancers, and actors. Feldenkrais watchers and pupils have included violinist Yehudi Menuhin, former Israeli prime minister David Ben-Gurion, anthropologist Margaret Mead, and Dr. Karl Pribram, M.D., former professor of psychology and psychiatry at Stanford University."—Suzanne Larronde, editor Modern Maturity 

  1. Easy Flexibility
  2. Low Back Comfort
  3. A Healthy Spine
  4. Relaxed Shoulders
  5. Your Power Center
  6. Aligning Your Body
  7. Full Breathing
  8. Flexible Feet
  9. Face & Jaw
  10. Treatment Relaxed Eyesight
David Zemach-Bersin is one of Dr. Feldenkrais’s first American students, and a graduate of Feldenkrais’s first U.S. training, in San Francisco in 1977. David studied with Dr Feldenkrais from 1973-1984 in the U.S., England and Israel. He is recognized for his Functional Integration skills and his devotion to sharing Dr. Feldenkrais's original teaching.

In addition to studies with Dr. Feldenkrais, David studied extensively in Israel and the U.S. with Gaby Yaron, one of Feldenkrais’s very original students. He directs Feldenkrais Training Programs in New York City and Washington/Baltimore. A graduate of the University of California with extensive postgraduate work in physiological psychology.

David is the co-author of Relaxercise (HarperCollins), and has created a number of popular Feldenkrais audio programs. He is a past president of the Feldenkrais Guild®, co-founder of Feldenkrais Resources, the Feldenkrais Institute of New York and the Feldenkrais Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to research and bringing the Feldenkrais Method to underserved populations. David teaches widely and is creating a virtual center at David and his wife Kaethe, have three grown children and live in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.



Mark Reese, recognized as one of the foremost authorities on the Feldenkrais Method having been one of Moshe Feldenkrais' original American students. Mark traveled broadly, forming new teachers in more than 30 domestic and international Feldenkrais Professional Training Programs and introducing the Feldenkrais Method to new audiences in North American, Europe and Australia.
Mark published extensively on the Feldenkrais Method and related health issues, and is coauthor of Relaxercise (Harper Collins) a best-selling book of Feldenkrais lessons. Mark is also the author of a definitive biography of Moshe Feldenkrais titled A Life in Movement.
