Bureau of Post Secondary Education

Feldenkrais Resources and the Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego (2 names, same entity) are regulated in the state of California by the Bureau of Post Secondary Education. The regulation is directed towards our Educational Programs, specifically the trainings spread over two and four years. The Bureau authorizes us to offer educational programs in California and requires extensive reporting annually.

In addition we are accredited by the Feldenkrais Guild of North America. This accreditation allows our graduates to join International Feldenkrais organizations and have their credentials recognized in a very wide range of countries.

Below you will see the "School Performance Fact Sheet"  After graduation, at the one and two year mark, we are required to collect the graduates income and report it here. You can see the results below. The group reporting here graduated into the pandemic and we are proud of the resilience they exhibited starting their practices in these circumstances.

Performance Fact Sheet 2020 - 2021

BPPE Annual Report:

*Institution Confirmation

*Summary Details

Students may access the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education Website here: bppe.ca.gov
