
Feldenkrais Resources

Dynamic Stability: Synergy of Martial Arts and The Feldenkrais Method

Using Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lessons, martial artist and FeldenkraisPractitioner, Moti Nativ, teaches you to sense the power of dynamic stability and create a connection with the potential energy in your body. The lessons highlight self-preservation, an important aspect of stability that is acquired through movement. We will explore letting go of the static, seemingly "safe" position and learn how to control stability dynamically so we feel safe in unstable balance.

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Using Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lessons, martial artist and FeldenkraisPractitioner, Moti Nativ, teaches you to sense the power of dynamic stability and create a connection with the potential energy in your body. The lessons highlight self-preservation, an important aspect of stability that is acquired through movement. We will explore letting go of the static, seemingly "safe" position and learn how to control stability dynamically so we feel safe in unstable balance.
Video Clip: Overview of Dynamic Stability
This video clip provides a general overview of what you can expect and learn from this DVD.
On This DVD:
  • Presentation about Dr. Feldenkrais, Judo concepts and the theory of action.
  • ATM lesson - Moving an imaginary ball from lying to sitting and from sitting to standing.
  • Practical applications of the ATM lesson - protect your space, experience dynamic stability and martial arts techniques.
