Feldenkrais Resources

Feldenkrais Illustrated: The Art of Learning

by Tiffany Sankary
Artist and Feldenkrais practitioner Tiffany Sankary spent a decade creating this book, weaving together her drawings with quotes from Moshe Feldenkrais's writings. Tiffany's delightful drawings integrate the text with the images so that Moshe's quotes are illuminated and can be newly appreciated. This inspiring book is made up almost entirely of interwoven text and images.

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by Tiffany Sankary
Artist and Feldenkrais practitioner Tiffany Sankary spent a decade creating this book, weaving together her drawings with quotes from Moshe Feldenkrais's writings. Tiffany's delightful drawings integrate the text with the images so that Moshe's quotes are illuminated and can be newly appreciated. This inspiring book is made up almost entirely of interwoven text and images.
The Art of Learning weaves together the writings of Moshe Feldenkrais with Tiffany Sankary's drawings. Feldenkrais (1904-1984) was a physicist, martial artist, engineer, and somatic pioneer who developed The Feldenkrais Method®, an innovative approach to learning, movement, and awareness to help improve all aspects of human functioning. Sankary illustrates excerpts from Feldenkrais' books and articles, organizing and bringing to life his core ideas to make them accessible to seasoned practitioners, students and those new to the Method. Dimensions: 6x9x1. 406 pages. Over 350 black-and-white drawings.
  • Chapter 1: Knowing Oneself

  • Chapter 2: What is Health?

  • Chapter 3: The Art of Learning

  • Chapter 4: Organic Vs. Scholastic Learning

  • Chapter 5: To Correct is Incorrect

  • Chapter 6: Self-Image

  • Chapter 7: Habits

  • Chapter 8: Compulsion + Spontaneity

  • Chapter 9: Cross Motivation

  • Chapter 10: Willpower

  • Chapter 11: Parasitic Effort

  • Chapter 12: Good is Not Always Good

  • Chapter 13: Anxiety

  • Chapter 14:Emotions + Posture

  • Chapter 15: Rigidity

  • Chapter 16:The Nervous System + Change

  • Chapter 17: Mind/Body/Environment

  • Chapter 18: Rest

  • Chapter 19: Play + Time

  • Chapter 20: The Wisdom of Doing Less

  • Chapter 21: Efficiency

  • Chapter 22: The Present

  • Chapter 23: Maturity

  • Chapter 24: The Potent State

  • Chapter 25: Genius
