
Jerry Karzen

In Tune with Yourself: Feldenkrais for Musicians 2012

By Jerry Karzen

We are pleased to announce the publication of a new audio program recorded by Jerry karzen during a two-day workshop for musicians in 2012. This course followed up on the popular program Jerry taught for musicians in Vienna in 2010. In both courses the participants were made up of musicians of many different backgrounds, including a number from the Vienna Symphony Orchestra. Jerry's style is focused and relaxed as he leads the participants into the depth of the method and its applications for relating to an instrument.

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By Jerry Karzen

We are pleased to announce the publication of a new audio program recorded by Jerry karzen during a two-day workshop for musicians in 2012. This course followed up on the popular program Jerry taught for musicians in Vienna in 2010. In both courses the participants were made up of musicians of many different backgrounds, including a number from the Vienna Symphony Orchestra. Jerry's style is focused and relaxed as he leads the participants into the depth of the method and its applications for relating to an instrument. His melodious voice leads the participants to investigate a wide range of themes relevant for relating to an instrument. In the 2010 workshop there is special emphasis on the use of the hands and arms and their support by the trunk. In 2010 there is more attention to breathing and developing central support responsive and comfortable sitting. Each recording includes 8 lessons.The audio program from the 2010 course has been greeted enthusiastically and we are pleased to now be able to offer the two courses together as they each beautifully compliment and amplify the work of the other.
Day 1:
    CD 1 (46:39):
  • Breathing lesson. On the side, hand under ribs, breathing into ribs, pressing back with palm & fingers
  • CD 2 (53:59):
  • On the side, Rolling over arm. On the stomach: Pulling abdomen in to crawl forward (wormlike)
  • CD 3 (52:52):
  • Rolling Fists
  • CD 4 (37:17):
  • Breathing lesson. (Supine position). Pushing lower abdomen outwards when exhaling.
  • Day 2: CD 5 (01 hour 03 Min.):
  • Prone. Tilting legs to the sides (as if bound together).
  • CD 6 (36:50):
  • Prone-Forehead on top of both hands on the floor, moving nose towards elbow & armpit, keeping contact with the arm.
    Supine- Moving ear toward shoulder, nose staying towards ceiling (pivot point=chin), then moving chin towards shoulder (pivot point = forehead)
    Prone- Moving ear towards shoulder, moving chin toward shoulder
    Supine- Arms around head, moving arms r. & l., moving ear toward shoulder, at last moving ear & arms in opposite directions (towards one another)
  • CD 7 (48:51):
  • Beginning (6 Min.) is a talk about the "mind", the human capacity of inhibition and its importance for musicians
    Lesson by Alexandra Burt: Bringing 1 hand towards mouth with the least effort possible ("Awareness-Lesson”)
  • CD 8 (16:57):
  • Sitting, counting teeth with tongue, talking when sticking tongue out, bringing jaw forward and then right and left
  • CD 9 (51:40):
  • From Sitting to Standing. Sitting on chair- Lifting legs. Circles with arms while pelvis rolls forward and backward. Flexing and extending spine. Pushing abdomen out when exhaling (saying "Ha"!), pushing legs down with hands and coming to standing.
Jerry Karzen studied with Moshe Feldenkrais at the FeldenkraisInstitute in Tel-Aviv from 1976-1983. During those years he was Dr. Feldenkrais' personal traveling companion, secretary, and close friend.
Since 1980 Jerry has been the organizer or Educational Director for 25 Feldenkrais Training Programsin 9 countries, and has been a Visiting Trainer for numerous other programs. He is currently the Educational Director for Feldenkraistrainings in New Zealand, Germany, and Brasil.
