Ruthy Alon

Walk for Life: Part II

Walk for Life is an accessible and effective program to improve walking. The program will benefit anyone wishing to enhance their walking experience and is especially oriented to aging walkers. Each chapter explores different aspects of the walking experience. Various positions are used including, lying on the floor, sitting in chairs and always walking.


by Ruthy Alon
9 DVDs, 52 Processes

Walk for Life is an accessible and effective program to improve walking. The program will benefit anyone wishing to enhance their walking experience and is especially oriented to aging walkers. Each chapter explores different aspects of the walking experience. Various positions are used including, lying on the floor, sitting in chairs and always walking.

Watch a Video Clip Below

Some of the sessions take place out of doors and include practice walking up and down hills and processes using poles to improve the rhythm and propulsive elements of walking. The course is creative and fun and is guaranteed to enrich your walking experience.

Includes: Nine DVD’s with 52 learning processes.
Disc #1:
  1. Introduction
  2. Uprightness from T6
  3. Relating Heel to Shoulder
  4. Hip Joint Bow & Arow
  5. Disc #2:
  6. Hip Joint on Elevation
  7. Gap Between the hands
  8. Disc #3:
  9. Propulsion from the Ankle
    Lathian - The Un-programmed Dance
  10. Tearing Paper with Toes
  11. Disc #4:
  12. Procedure of One Step Forward
  13. Poles in the Wall - Floor Seam
  14. Intuitive Start
  15. Disc #5:
  16. Hand Pulls Leg - Leg Pulls Hand
  17. Posture - Lateral Crossing
  18. Disc #6:
  19. In the Forest
  20. Scanning a Tree. Pulling in Belly
  21. Short Poles
  22. Deck of a Boat
  23. Disc #7:
  24. Frustrated Ski
  25. Horizontal Figure 8
  26. One Shoulder Blade Diagonally on the Wall
  27. Disc #8:
  28. Distance Tailbone to Floor
  29. In & Out of Chair Protecting the Knee
  30. Disc #9:
  31. Waving Arms, Fragmented Breathing
  32. Uphill Bend Over, Long Poles
  33. Singing in the Forest
  34. Disc #10:
  35. Toes in Kneeling
  36. Balance
  37. Disc #11:
  38. Elbows in Creeping
  39. Discussion. Demo
  40. Disc #12:
  41. Help to Ischium in a Strip
  42. Walking Around thew Lake
  43. Balance on Logs
  44. Hopping Between 2 Poles
  45. Sentence of the Day
  46. Circle of Completion

Ruthy Alon (1930—2020) was among the 13 fortunate students who sat on straw stools around the low treatment table at Moshe Feldenkrais's first training program. From those early days in Israel, the Feldenkrais Method became the central axis of Ruthy’s development and professional contributions. She was the first practitioner to follow Moshe to the U.S., in 1972, coming to the Esalen Institute in California, and then teaching his new approach to the improvement of human functioning in centers around the world.

She always taught with loving kindness and generosity. She continued to learn and to bring the Method to the public, making it easily accessible for everyone.

At the 2018 Feldenkrais® Guild conference, in Washington D.C., Ruthy was honored with a Lifetime Achievement award for her contributions to the Method and our community. Her brilliant thinking and innovation has helped thousands of people over many decades. Her students, both of the Feldenkrais Method® of somatic education and Movement Intelligence will continue on her name teaching her beautiful body of work.
