Jack Heggie

About Jack Heggie

Jack Heggieearned a degree in physics and worked as a digital computer design engineer, programmer, and field engineer for 10 years before becoming a Feldenkraispractitioner. He studied with Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais in Israel and in the United States, and trained with Ruthy Alon, Mia Segal, and Shlomo Efrat, all senior Feldenkrais trainers. Heggie offers unique insights on integrating the Feldenkrais Method into such sports as running, golf, and skiing. He also created a wonderful program for improving vision through the Feldenkrais Method.
Jack is the author of Running With the Whole Body and the audio sets A Healthy Back in Less Than 20 Minutes a Day, Total Body Golf, Running With the Whole Body, and Total Body Vision.
